nicked with a chisel or grooved on a machine, transversely about a sixteenth of an inch 0/ift") deep in three places about two inches (2") apart. The first groove should be made on one side, two inches (2") from the square end of the specimen ; the .second, two inches (2") from it on the opposite side ; arid the third, two inches (2") from the last and on the opposite side from it. The test specimen is then put in a vise, with the first groove about a quarter of an inch (1/4") above the jaws, care being taken to hold it firmly. The projecting end of the test specimen is then broken oil by means of a hammer, a number of light blows being used, and the bunding being away from the groove. The specimen is broken at the other two grooves in the same way. The object of this treatment IB to open and render visihlo to the aye any Reams due to failure to weld up, or to foreign interposed matter, or cavities due to gas-bubbles in the ingot. After rupture one side of each fracture, is examined, a pocket lens being used if necessary, and the length of the fccamg and cavitios is determined.

Kl Yield-point. For the purpose of thin specification the yield-point shall bo determined by the careful observation of the drop of the beam or halt in the gauge of lisa testing machine,.

M. Sample for Chemical Analysis.—In order to determine if the material con-fornui to the chemical limitations prescribed in paragraph No. 2 herein, analysis pliiill lie ttmdo of drillings taken from a small test ingot. An additional check analysis may bit ittude. from a tensile specimen of each molt used on an order other than in ItH»<illicitIve fire-box steel. In the case of locomotive liro-box steel a check analysis may be made from the tensile specimen from each plate as rolled.


15. The1 variation in cross-section or weight of moro than 2| per cent from that n j it Tilled will IH» of sufficient cause for rejection, except in the case of sheared plates, which will he covered by the following permissible variations:

In I'ljitej*, IViJ pounds per square foot or heavier, up to 100 inches wide, \\hen ordered lo wt»igh(, shall not average more* than 2J per cent variation abovo or 2^ pi'!" cent bt'lmv the theoretical weight. When 100 inches wide and over, 5 per cent, jilmve or 5 jwr rent below or the theoretical weight.

t/i I'https under I2J pounds per square foot, when ordered to weight, shall not, ao'criuji* a gnmter variation than the following :

t'ptu 7 •*> inches wide, iJj per cent abovo or 2J per cent below the theoretical ivi'itfht ; 75 iwh«s wide up to 100 inches wide, 5 pe.Y cent above or II per cent below Ihe'thi'Mi-cticnl weight. When UK) inches wide and over, 10 per cent above or !» per cent below the th«M>n-tiejd Neight.

* * + + * * * 4- i 't *

Iji F»«r all plafr.s ordered to gaup* then* will be permitted an average cx<'r,ss of Wright »»\rr fliaf eorre.sponding to the dimensions on the order equal in amount ft* that j-pt-nlU'tt in thr following tablr :

•IAHM-. OF \LHt\\\\fl,: f-'ni; oM,U\M-:HJnT FOR HF,( 'TA N<J t'LA H I'l.ATKS WIIKN OKPKKKD

TO (i U'UK.

IMiii« • vi ill In- mi*:..ilrp-il uj» f«» |fHU|,^' if inru.suriiijii; not. <>v<«r 1/100 inch le.su than thn The urij'Lt nf 1 ruble- int'h «»i miini ,st«'cl is USSUUHM! to he O.iiHISJi pound. rittti'u I • f inrh <t?t(I ttirr ii>

rp tu;:. inch-


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